The Undergraduate Course in Philosophy at Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar), founded in 2007, offers two modalities in academic education: Bachelor and Licensure degrees. Both modalities differ from each other rather by their purposes and, as such, they offer students substantially the same basic education in what relates to content and quality.
The Course structure was built to provide students a solid education in the history of philosophy, founded on a pillar that allows the understanding and critical transmission of the most relevant themes and issues approached by the main philosophical systems. It is also taken into consideration that the range of themes and issues approached by the philosophical tradition and its connection to related areas (sciences, arts, politics, moral etc.) were historically formed in major fields of knowledge, and are still today an essential part in the education of philosophy, both in Bachelor and Licensure degrees.
Students are admitted to the Course of Philosophy at UFSCar, in both modalities, through Unified Selected System (SiSU). Every year, the Course offers a total of 36-vacancy, only nocturnal period.